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Hackers: a report on the exploits of hackers and how they have highlighted the internet's insecurities
arrowwho are hackers?
a closer look at why they do it and how they do it
arrowThe Risks of the Internet's Vulnerabilities
examining the impact on corporations, government and national security; links on cyberterrorism
arrowWho's  Responsible for Improving Security?
the focus on new laws, liability proposals and software makers like microsoft
arrowHow To Be Vigilant
tips on how to safeguard your computer files and personal data
with 4 hackers and 14 security analysts in government and the private sector

chat transcriptjoin the discussionvideo excerptssynopsispresstapes & transcriptscredits

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Designed to facilitate the free exchange of ideas, the Internet has become home to confidential-even classified-information from virtually every nation in the world. Financial information, national infrastructure, even state secrets can be accessed via the complex computer network that is the World Wide Web. But how safe is that information if computer-literate teenagers can break into top-security computer systems, infect them with viruses, or steal sensitive-even dangerous-documents? FRONTLINE investigates the role of hackers and reveals how their exploits highlight the profound insecurities of the Internet and the software that drives it. Through interviews with teenagers, information warriors, security experts, and law enforcement officials, FRONTLINE illuminates a virtual world where many of our most sacred beliefs-including the very notion of bordered nations-are called into question.

published feb. 2001